Research shows that millions of American families are living from paycheck to paycheck with little or no means to build savings. When faced with unexpected expenses, such as a car or house repair, many have felt that their only option was to seek help through a payday...
Is Bankruptcy A Way Out For You?
For many Americans who are deep in debt with no way to pay it back, filing for bankruptcy might be their last resort. And while some people may assume that bankruptcy is bad for you since you will have a negative label on your records, filing for bankruptcy actually...
5 Things Not to Do if Contemplating Bankruptcy
If you are struggling with debt and are contemplating bankruptcy and hiring a bankruptcy attorney, there are a few things you should try to avoid doing before you file as they may jeopardize your ability to have your debts discharged. Do Not Create New Debt It is very...
4 Circumstances That May Mean It Is Time to File Bankruptcy
Are you struggling financially? Do you find it difficult to make ends meet each month? You are not alone. Millions of American families are living paycheck to paycheck and have a lot of debt. It is not the American dream to live this way. But, unseen circumstances...
Will Filing Bankruptcy Affect Your Employment?
Will You Lose Your Job Because of Bankruptcy? A common question asked by our clients who are contemplating filing bankruptcy is whether or not doing so will affect their employment. That is an understandable question considering they are already struggling financially...
What to Expect with Bankruptcy in Opelika
You decide to file for bankruptcy in Opelika, AL and then freak out a bit over the idea. Yes, it can be frightening to take such a huge step, but don't let the negative images that others have attached to bankruptcy stop you from pursuing a claim. About the...
Montgomery Bankruptcy: A Fresh Start
The term bankruptcy is daunting, conjuring fears of poverty and financial ruin. In reality, bankruptcy can help in a time of great need for you, your family, or your business in Montgomery, AL. By filing for bankruptcy, a person can liquidate their assets to repay...
How to Choose Your Bankruptcy Attorney in Andalusia
How do you know which attorney to use for an Andalusia bankruptcy case? It is easy to determine, but you should know a few things in advance. What to Consider when Choosing a Bankruptcy Attorney Choose experienced Andalusia Attorneys You want to work only with an...
3 Common Questions about Medical Bills
Medical debt is a growing problem for many Americans. Last year the Kaiser Foundation released a survey estimating 25% of American adults feel burdened by medical debt. Over half of those surveyed owed $2500 or more in medical bills. The burden of the debt often made...
How to get the most out of your Free Bankruptcy Consultation in Mobile, AL
Bankruptcy consultations can give chills to anyone who is not aware of the process and questions. However, a bankruptcy consultation from our bankruptcy attorneys in Mobile and other areas in Alabama is for your betterment and helps you pick the right option. Before...
Brock & Stout can help you with your Bankruptcy, Social Security Disability and Personal Injury needs today. Feel free to call our toll free number, contact us online or stop by one of our many office locations. We hope you will give us the opportunity and the privilege to help you and your family.