When you are in debt and dealing with creditors, you may hear and see many terms that can confuse you. The terms "property lien" and "judgment lien" are two such terms. While these terms relate to each other, they do not mean the same thing. The distinction between...
2 Ways Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Could Help You
Chapter 13 Bankruptcy is known as a reorganization of debt. It helps debtors reorganize their debt and pay them off through a bankruptcy court structured repayment plan. Depending upon a debtor’s financial situation, they could have their unsecured debt (i.e. credit...
What Happens to Debt After Filing Bankruptcy?
Bankruptcy is a powerful legal tool that can help individuals and businesses overcome overwhelming debt by providing them with a fresh start. Filing for bankruptcy can seem like a daunting process, but it can be beneficial in the long run. This article will discuss...
Student Loan Bankruptcy Discharge Could Now Be Easier
The process for obtaining a discharge of federal student loans through bankruptcy has been long and difficult for over a decade. However, times are changing and newly issued guidance to the Department of Justice (DOJ), in connection with the Department of Education...
Reducing Your Car Payment through Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
Are you behind on your car payment? Is your car payment larger than your budget allows? Do you fear that your car may soon be repossessed? If you answered yes to any of these questions, Chapter 13 bankruptcy assist you in reducing your car payment to a manageable...
Bankruptcy and Divorce: How Does One Affect the Other?
Ordinarily, a couple with financial problems could simply file bankruptcy and get a financial fresh start. But a couple contemplating divorce should first consider how filing bankruptcy could affect their divorce and vice versa. The timing of filing bankruptcy and...
Dealing with Creditor Harassment after Bankruptcy
Let’s face it, one of the worst parts about delinquent debt is the constant creditor harassment about to pay your debt. You know the creditor wants its money and you really want to pay. Unfortunately, you may not have the exact amount that is owed. You try to explain...
Does Filing Bankruptcy Affect Social Security Benefits
Do you receive Social Security Disability (SSDI) benefits and feel by debt? You are not alone. Many of those receiving SSDI benefits find themselves overwhelmed by debt. Have you thought about filing bankruptcy but do not know how filing may affect your benefits? The...
Can You File Bankruptcy on Student Loans?
According to the latest statistics, almost 45 million Americans owe an estimated $1.75 trillion in student loans. They took out these loans in good faith to help them pursue a college degree and secure a better future for themselves and their families. However, many...
3 Reasons to File for Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
Are you struggling financially? Are you in jeopardy of losing your home or your car? Chapter 13 bankruptcy could offer you help to get out from under your burden of debt. Here are 3 reasons you may want to consider filing Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Chapter 13 Bankruptcy...
Brock & Stout can help you with your Bankruptcy, Social Security Disability and Personal Injury needs today. Feel free to call our toll free number, contact us online or stop by one of our many office locations. We hope you will give us the opportunity and the privilege to help you and your family.