Are you behind on your bills and keep receiving collection letters and phone calls from debt collectors? The debt collectors will only keep contacting you for so long without payment. Their next likely step will be filing a lawsuit against you to collect what you owe....
What to Do if Behind on Your Car Payment
Having a vehicle can be a very important part of maintaining your daily life. You may need it to get to your job, carpool your kids, get to the store, doctor, church, etc. But, owning a vehicle can be costly. Monthly payments could take up a significant portion of...
4 False Assumptions about Bankruptcy
Are you struggling with debt and thinking about filing for bankruptcy relief? Maybe you are hesitant because of negative rumors. There are many false narratives about filing for bankruptcy. Don’t let rumors or innuendos prevent you from obtaining a fresh start. While...
3 Ways Bankruptcy Could Benefit Your Home
Have you had to miss paying other bills so you could pay your home mortgage? Or, are you behind on your mortgage payments despite everything else you do to make ends meet? Do you live in fear that you may lose your home to foreclosure? You do not need this stress....
What is Bankruptcy Cramdown?
A beneficial aspect of Chapter 13 bankruptcy is the ability to “cramdown” certain secured loans. A cramdown could lower the principal balance and interest rate you may owe on a loan. It could save you money and help keep your property. Read on to understand which of...
How Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Could Help with Vehicle Repossession
A vehicle may be one of the most important possessions you and your family have. It provides a means of transportation to your work, the grocery store, church, family, friends etc. But, a vehicle can be an expensive possession to have. Paying car payments on top of...
Escaping the Minimum Payment Trap
Do you make only the minimum payment on your credit card debt each month? If so, you are ultimately sentencing yourself to a long-term trap of debt. The Minimum Payment Problem Most credit card companies allow the borrower to pay what they call the "minimum amount...
Fixing Your Credit Report after Bankruptcy
Have you filed bankruptcy and have received or are about to receive a discharge of your debts? This is great news because it means you are one step closer to your financial fresh start. However, there is something that may interfere with your fresh start. Incorrect...
5 Things to Understand Before Filing for Disability Benefits
Do you have a medical condition that makes it difficult for you to work? If you do, you could be eligible for disability benefits from the Social Security Administration (SSA)? The SSA’s Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program provides monthly financial...
Debt Settlement Companies May Not Offer the Better Solution
Financial hardship can happen to anyone. A sudden job loss, health problem, death in the family, etc. can cause you to become burdened by debt. Does this describe you? Are you seeking a solution to your debt problems? Have you seen the advertisements from debt...
Brock & Stout can help you with your Bankruptcy, Social Security Disability and Personal Injury needs today. Feel free to call our toll free number, contact us online or stop by one of our many office locations. We hope you will give us the opportunity and the privilege to help you and your family.