Are you delinquent on your loan payments? Do you worry that your creditors might repossess something you own? If you offered your personal property as collateral on a loan then your creditor might be able to repossess the property depending on the type of property it...
Fairfield, AL, a Birmingham Suburb, Files Bankruptcy
After experiencing financial difficulties for years, Fairfield, a small suburb of Birmingham, filed for bankruptcy on May 19, 2020. The city has struggled since one of its largest employers, U.S. Steel, shuttered part of its operation in 2015, causing the loss of...
Andalusia’s JCPenney Store Closing Because of Bankruptcy
On May 15th, 2020, retailer JCPenney officially filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy. Founded 118 years ago, JCPenney became one of the first major department stores in the country. For much of the 20th century, JCPenney was a go-to retailer to buy clothing and household...
The Stress of Debt on Marriages
When two people marry, their lives are merged into one unit. This means that each of them brings aspects of their personal life into the relationship thereby affecting both people. Bringing substantial debt into the marriage could place the relationship on shaky...
Understanding the Alabama Foreclosure Process and How Bankruptcy Can Help
Are you delinquent on your home mortgage payments? Do you fear your lender may be getting ready to foreclose on your home? Because the foreclosure process, especially in Alabama, moves quickly, you should understand the process and your rights. When Can the...
5 Ways to Handle Debt
Being in debt can cause enormous stress. If you struggle with debt, you may wonder about your best options for managing debt. Before exploring the options, you should first assess your financial situation in order to decide which may work best for you. You should...
What is the Social Security Disability Impairments List?
If you filed or are looking into filing for Social Security disability benefits, you have probably come across the term “Impairments List” often. This is because the Impairments List plays a very important role in the Social Security Administration (SSA) determining...
Receiving Social Security Disability for COPD
COPD affects nearly 30 million Americans, according to the COPD Foundation. The Foundation says over half of those affected do not know COPD is the cause of their health issues. Many of them may believe their symptoms come from aging, but COPD is the cause. COPD can...
Receiving Social Security Disability For Depression
What is Depression? Many people experience feelings of sadness and hopelessness during emotionally painful or stressful situations (i.e. death of a loved one or divorce). These feelings are typically situational and short-lived. But, some people experience long-term...
Can You Go to Jail for Unpaid Bills?
The answer to this question is technically no. You cannot go to jail for unpaid bills. But, every rule has exceptions. Let us explain. America’s Founding Fathers found the English system of imprisoning those who could not pay their debts cruel and unusual punishment....
Brock & Stout can help you with your Bankruptcy, Social Security Disability and Personal Injury needs today. Feel free to call our toll free number, contact us online or stop by one of our many office locations. We hope you will give us the opportunity and the privilege to help you and your family.