Work-related injuries occur more often than most people would expect and can include anything from unhealthy exposure to chemicals, burns, and falls to dismemberment, serious debilitation, or death. It is important for individuals who are injured at work to understand their rights before proceeding.
What Makes a Personal Injury Work-Related?
While the question may sound simple enough, it can be difficult to answer in some instances. Generally speaking, work-related injuries include doing something for the direct or indirect benefit of your employer. This usually refers to standard work duties, work travel, and possibly company events.
Common Workplace Injuries
Workplace injuries are usually caused by overexertion, repetitive motion, slips and falls, mechanical failures, falling objects, or exposure to unhealthy conditions. In these instances, the results may include back or neck injuries, burns, broken bones, trauma to the head, or anything else that causes pain and suffering.
At-Risk Occupations
While workplace injuries can occur in almost any industry, there are some jobs which pose more risk than others. These are typically jobs in which heavy machinery, chemicals, or rough conditions are present. Employees are most prone to injury on construction sites, in chemical laboratories, in busy warehouses, and in industries which require large amounts of movement and physical activity.
What to Do if Injured On the Job
If you’ve been injured on the job, it’s important to proceed with caution. First and foremost, it’s important to receive prompt medical attention from a reputable doctor. This is true for a couple of reasons. First, you need to attend to your injury and ensure you aren’t at risk of doing anything to worsen the situation. Second, a personal injury claim will require proof from qualified doctors.
After receiving medical attention, you will want to contact a lawyer for legal assistance. For more information on how an attorney can help, please contact our Dothan attorneys. Call (334) 671-5555.