Brock & Stout

5 Reasons Why You Should Hire a Social Security Disability Attorney
If you are unable to earn a living because of a disability and are going through a difficult stage of your life, then applying for social security disability benefits can provide you the financial support and assistance you need. The Social Security Administration...

Personal Injury: Motorcycle Accident 101
While car accidents are certainly dangerous and lethal, motorcycle accidents are exponentially hazardous. With no seat belt strapping the driver in, or a protective steel cage keeping passengers secure, motorcycle accidents pose a significant threat to all those...

How to Handle an Uninsured Motorist Accident
Alabama state law requires all vehicle drivers to carry auto insurance. But, research shows that many Alabama drivers choose not to get insured or are underinsured. This can make it difficult if you have been in an auto accident with one of those drivers. Typically,...

Do I Need an Attorney? The Right Way to do Bankruptcy in Birmingham
If you are someone who admits to being a dedicated do-it-yourself sort of person, you have to change your mindset if you are about to file for bankruptcy. You may have seen the do-it-yourself or for dumbbells guides to bankruptcy, and you may even believe you can...

Injured at Work: What You Need to Know
Work-related injuries occur more often than most people would expect and can include anything from unhealthy exposure to chemicals, burns, and falls to dismemberment, serious debilitation, or death. It is important for individuals who are injured at work to understand...

Filing for Bankruptcy: How Do You Know When It’s Time?
Are you living paycheck to paycheck, working on saving money, but every month, something comes up to thwart your plans? Your car needs new tires or a battery. Your children need money for an extracurricular event at school. You may feel overwhelmed, like you have...

You Filed Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, Now What?
Simultaneous with filing for chapter 7 bankruptcy, your bankruptcy is assigned a bankruptcy case number. It is important that write down or remember this case number in case one of your creditors contacts you after filing. It is also important to remember the date you...

Why You Need an Attorney to Appeal a Social Security Disability Denial?
Have you been denied benefits when applying for Social Security disability, leaving you worried about how to proceed? A Social Security disability denial of benefits can leave anyone concerned about their future, and attempt to navigate the Social Security system only...
Understanding Chapter 13 Repayment Plans
While many people in financial distress think of debt consolidation as the way to go, there is also the option of setting up a repayment plan under Chapter 13 bankruptcy. While it can be a good option for many, make sure you understand how it works before proceeding....

How To Handle A Personal Injury Claim In 5 Steps
It shouldn't be stressful or daunting to make a personal injury claim. Just by making use of a Montgomery personal injury lawyer for serious injuries, you can put yourself in a completely strong position. The process for making a personal injury claim is extremely...
Brock & Stout can help you with your Bankruptcy, Social Security Disability and Personal Injury needs today. Feel free to call our toll free number, contact us online or stop by one of our many office locations. We hope you will give us the opportunity and the privilege to help you and your family.