Brock & Stout
First Things You Should Do Following a Workplace Accident
Injuries at work are always a sensitive issue. It is incredibly important to get all of the facts correct regarding your workplace accident. It can be challenging to know what to do and whom to turn to about the incident. Follow these steps to know the first responses...
3 Things to Do At the Scene of a Car Accident
When in a car accident, it’s easy to become confused. The initial jolt of the accident, potential injuries, and assessing the damage to your car can quickly disorient even the most fastidious of us. If you experience a car accident in Alabama, it’s important to know...

Does Unemployment, Worker’s Compensation, and Other Assistance Affect SSDI Eligibility?
Are you contemplating filing for Social Security Disability benefits and wonder if other forms of assistance you may be receiving might hurt your eligibility chances? We will look at a few types of assistance and explore the effect each may have on your SSDI...

Don’t Stress Over Your Disability Claim. Seek the Help of a Lawyer
When you have a chronic illness or disability your life can be filled with stress. It can affect you physically, mentally, and emotionally and make dealing with everyday issues more difficult than normal. One of the main everyday issues a chronic illness or disability...

How Can Bankruptcy in Dothan Help with Foreclosure?
Have your finances gotten so overwhelming that you find it difficult to keep up with your mortgage payments? Do you think foreclosure on your home could happen? It may be time to consider filing bankruptcy in Dothan. While bankruptcy cannot get rid of your mortgage,...
Knowing When to Seek Legal Counsel for Personal Injuries
Personal injuries caused by a second party are unfortunately commonplace. Some of these are completely unintentional, and the injuries caused are minor. Others, however, are more serious and may require legal action. Accidents caused by negligence, such as...

How to get the most out of your Free Bankruptcy Consultation in Mobile, AL
Bankruptcy consultations can give chills to anyone who is not aware of the process and questions. However, a bankruptcy consultation from our bankruptcy attorneys in Mobile and other areas in Alabama is for your betterment and helps you pick the right option. Before...

Receiving Social Security Disability for Chronic Kidney Disease
30 million American adults have chronic kidney disease and millions more are at risk, according to the National Kidney Foundation (NKF). The Foundation says early detection can help stop the progression of kidney disease. But, for many, detection comes too late and...

Understanding the 2 Main Types Of Debt: Secured and Unsecured Debt
When filing bankruptcy to gain debt relief, there are two main types of debt that will be involved. Secured debt and unsecured debt. The types of debt are treated differently depending on the type of bankruptcy you file. Whether a debt is secured or unsecured can...
5 Reasons Why Bankruptcy is Usually Better than Debt Consolidation in Dothan
While each individual case is different and no two situations are identical, you may want to consider bankruptcy before traveling down the path of debt consolidation. There is nothing inherently wrong with debt consolidation, but it is often a process that drags on...
Brock & Stout can help you with your Bankruptcy, Social Security Disability and Personal Injury needs today. Feel free to call our toll free number, contact us online or stop by one of our many office locations. We hope you will give us the opportunity and the privilege to help you and your family.