Brock & Stout
Common Questions Asked Regarding Social Security Disability Benefits in Mobile, AL
Many people worry excessively while applying for social security disability benefits because there are many questions that they want answers to and remain unclear of why certain things happen. Here is a list of common questions that are asked regarding these benefits....

Receiving Social Security Disability for Asthma
Over 18 million American adults have asthma, according to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA). The Foundation reveals that not only do those with asthma suffer great physical discomfort but also great financial burdens because of their asthma. The cost...

The Best Outcome of Bankruptcy
There are many beneficial financial outcomes to filing bankruptcy. But, perhaps the best outcome of bankruptcy is the gaining of financial peace of mind. When you have lived with the burden of debt for so long it can cause extreme stress. This financial stress can...

Dangers of Testosterone Replacement Therapy
Millions of men use some form of testosterone replacement therapy every day. They believe the products they use will help them. But, recent medical studies have shown a link between the use of testosterone replacement products and the increased risk of developing...

Filing for Bankruptcy While Unemployed
A sudden job loss can leave you financially devastated. Receiving unemployment benefits can help. But, it is often not enough to cover living expenses and pay any debts you may have. Each month you get further behind and the financial stress becomes overwhelming....
Personal Injury: Have You Been Hurt as a Result of a Slip and Fall?
According to data, slip & fall accidents account for more than 8 million hospital emergency room visits each year. That makes it the number one cause of emergency room visits. If you believe your slip and fall was the result of someone else's negligence or malicious...

Defective Child Safety Seats
One of the most important items a parent can buy to protect their child is a child safety seat. Children are more likely to be injured in a car accident than adults because of their smaller more fragile bodies. They need the protection a car seat or booster seat...

Bankruptcy Could Help Recover Garnished Wages
Are you one of the millions of Americans whose wages are being garnished to pay one or more debts you owe? Is your wage garnishment making your financial situation even more difficult? Bankruptcy could help stop the garnishments and even help recover some of your...
Applying for Social Security Disability in Andalusia? Avoid the Following Mistakes
Contact us for your free consultation! If you have never been down this road before, you should know that filing for social security disability benefits can be a long and complicated process. There are many legal forms that need to be filed and a host of potential...

3 Reasons You Should Not Delay Filing Bankruptcy
Sometimes those struggling financially believe bankruptcy could help them, but they delay filing. They may delay out of hope that their financial situation will get better. Or, lack of knowledge about the bankruptcy process causes them to fear filing so they put off...
Brock & Stout can help you with your Bankruptcy, Social Security Disability and Personal Injury needs today. Feel free to call our toll free number, contact us online or stop by one of our many office locations. We hope you will give us the opportunity and the privilege to help you and your family.