Brock & Stout
Automatic Stay: The Most Beneficial Aspect of Bankruptcy
Many Americans are burdened by financial difficulties such as excessive medical bills, overwhelming credit card debt, underwater mortgages, job loss, etc. Filing for bankruptcy can be beneficial to those who are struggling financially. Perhaps the most beneficial...
Receiving Social Security Benefits for Lupus
According to recent studies, 1.5 million Americans, mostly women, are diagnosed as having the autoimmune disease known as Lupus. If you are one of these Americans, you know how difficult living with lupus can be. It can affect all aspects of your life. One major...
Majority of Recalled Tires Still in Use
[alert type="warning"]"The NTSB report revealed that only 1 out of 5 recalled tires is properly taken out of use leaving thousands of defective tires still on the road and able to cause potential danger."[/alert] According to a recent report by the National...
If You Have Received an SSDI Denial Letter Don’t Give up
If you have filed a claim for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and received a denial letter, you are not alone. Unfortunately, statistics show that a large number of claimants are denied benefits the first time. But, just because you have received a denial...
Understanding the Link between Talcum Powder and Ovarian Cancer
Talcum powder is made from the mineral talc which is formed from elements such as magnesium, silicon, and oxygen. When ground into a powder it has great moisture absorption capabilities. Since the turn of the 20th-century manufacturers have ground talc and used the...
3 Main Differences between SSDI and SSI
Perhaps the most confusing aspect of applying for disability benefits is understanding the difference between the two types of disability benefits programs, Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI). The confusion probably...
Bankruptcy and Credit Score: Federal Reserve Study Reveals Truth about this Relationship
One of the main reasons many individuals who are in financial stress choose not to file bankruptcy is because they have been scared by the dire warning that Filing Bankruptcy Will Ruin Your Credit. This long-held belief holds some truth. Yes, bankruptcy is reported on...
Do You Understand the Risks of Taking Xarelto?
Xarelto is a blood-thinning medication that was first released in 2011 to help prevent blood clotting in patients who had undergone knee or hip replacement surgeries. Soon after it was also being prescribed to help reduce the risk of stroke in patients with...
Bankruptcy Could Help Remove a Judgment Lien from Your Property
If you have been struggling with debt for a while, then it is possible that a judgment lien(s) has been placed against your property or could be in the future. Are you wondering how to remove a judgment lien from your property? A judgment lien is a lien that is filed...
Bankruptcy is Your Constitutional Right to a Fresh Start
Are you struggling with debt and in desperate need of a fresh start? Throughout American history bankruptcy has been a protected right meant to provide indebted citizens a means of unburdening themselves of their debt and starting their financial life over. Article I,...
Brock & Stout can help you with your Bankruptcy, Social Security Disability and Personal Injury needs today. Feel free to call our toll free number, contact us online or stop by one of our many office locations. We hope you will give us the opportunity and the privilege to help you and your family.